
Hey!! Guys so today we’re here with an interesting and really important topic, related to human body and bodybuilding.

Testosterone” so what actually testosterone actually is?
A steroid hormone that stimulates development of male secondary sexual characteristics, produced mainly in the testes, but also in the ovaries and adrenal cortex, so u know now that testosterone is the main hormone of a male

Nowadays many people out there either a common man or a bodybuilder are suffering from imbalanced (High/low) level of testosterone hormone, and this is due to many reasons, few of them are, low nutrition level ,poor diet, low in(magnesium, zinc, protein) level foods, No physical activity to stay fit and healthy, and yes the MASTURBATION!!!! Excess masturbation also leads to low testosterone level, by excess I mean by 3 to 4 times a week or even worst some guys make it a daily habit and some guys masturbates about 2-3 times a day, I don’t know why. There are many more reasons behind bad testosterone level, but let us move back to the main topic...


It not easy like that, it depends upon what age you are.
A guy aged from (17-18) and till 19, produces about 300ng/dl to 1200ng/dl. At this age the production of testosterone is at peak level of male, from age (19-21) body produces 280ng/dl to 1200ng/dl and at age (21-30) body produces testosterone about 250ng/dl to 1000ng/dl,
But when we talk about age 31+, our body start dropping the level of testosterone level by 1% per year, which means if your body produces 250ng/dl amount of testosterone at age of  31 then at age of 32 it will produces 1% less of 250ng/dl level of testosterone in your body..... And similarly it continues to reduce down 1% each year you pass.
Whereas in a female body the production of testosterone is low about 20ng/dl to 65ng/dl from age 15 to 50, as the main hormone of the female body are estrogens.
So basically the testosterone production level of a male body is at its peak at age of 18 to 19. As testosterone plays a main role in male body development, it controls almost every growth function of the male body.

Function (effects) of the testosterone hormone::::

There are many functions and roles testosterone plays in a body development, some of them are:-

·       SKIN: Hair growth, collagen growth skin smoothness, etc.
·       BRAIN: Increased in sex drive, improves mood, confidence, memory function, etc.
·       SEX ORGANS: increase or balances the production of sperms, erectile function and the prostate growth.
·       BONE MARROW: Manages the balanced level of RBC ( red blood cell) counts in human body
·       MUSCLES: Helps in the muscle growth, increased strength, increased Endurance level in human body.
·       BONES: Helps in maintaining the bone mass, the bone density of the skeleton system of the body.
Here we go,


SO, now how could you know if you are also one of them who are having a low level of testosterone hormone, low testosterone level is becoming more and common. The prescription for testosterone increasing drugs and medicines are increasing in the medical market.


·       Hair loss: when the body testosterone level decrease it leads to decrease in other hormones to like keratin and protein level too, which leads to hair loss problem.

·       Acne problems, acne starts appearing on your face

·       Your bone density goes low< go to a lab for your bone density check up, if your bone density is below -2.5, then man you really need to work for it, as the normal bone density level is between (-1 to -2.5), your score is the sign of Osteopenia.

·       Reduced sex drive: This really sucks when you can’t satisfy your partner fully, it leads to weakness in relationship and moreover it makes your moral down, you feel very bad, and sometimes it happens like that you get cheated by your partner in sex life, when you aren’t able to satisfy your girl she start feeling bored and needs some real excitement in sex life, she starts cheating on you by having sex with another guy, a guy having more potential in sex than you, a guy with a ballistic level of testosterone level, and when you come to know then you decide for break up or divorce...... whatever she cheats or not, leave it let us move to the main point, as it decrease your sex drive and leads poor sex life......

·       Erectile dysfunction

·       Low sperm count, when the production of testosterone level is low your sperms counts goes low leads to bad sex life and chances for having baby also gets low.

·       Enlarged or swollen breast tissue.

·       Loss of body hair

·       Loss of body bulk, this really hurts a lot more than being cheated, for a body builder like you, we start feeling depressing as for you as a body builder, nothing is more painful for us than to loos muscles mass or bulk.

·       Causes (GYNO) increase in (gyno) the female sex hormone which leads to man boobs. Really I am damn sure you guys also hate this, who don’t?

·       Increases the body fat, as when you are having a low testosterone level, definitely you will start having body fat, there are many more symptoms. And the best way to know them is to get a medical test of your blood, to know the testosterone level....

Even if you have high testosterone level, by high I mean by above the range of normal or you are taking synthetic hormones to increase the testosterone level artificially it may cause following problems—

·       Hair fall
·       More testosterone level converts the testosterone in estrogens which results in man boobs.
·       Your testicles shrinks.
·       Acne

While in female body the problems starts when they have high testosterone level in their body it causes them problems like—
1. Acne
2. infertility
3. Deepening of voice
4. Night sweats
5. Vaginal dryness
6. Vaginal itching
7. Loss of sex desire (oh my my real bad you could also be cheated take care girl, when you can’t satisfy your man, same law for every ones feelings)
8. Menstrual irregularities
9. Growth and swelling of clitoris
10.                 Changes in body shape

11.                 Reduction of breast size, I don’t know each way, but I am a lit bit sure for a girl a boobs size do matters like for men the size of the penis matters, you really feel uncomfortable between other girls having boobs more larger in the size than compared to you, moreover you don’t feel much confidence while talking to a really hot and nice guy, you always look on for your body shape and yes!! Body parts size.

12.                 Oily skin, now this really what you all girls out there hate very much, an oily skin! Oh god, what can be more disgusting for a girl. You be like I don’t want that oil on my face, this oil doesn’t deserve your pretty face.

13.                 Facial hair growth, and on body parts.

You can go for a “serum testosterone test” or testosterone test to the nearest medical check-up laboratory, they take you blood sample for this test, the best time is too go in early morning 7 to 10 empty stomach, because at this time the testosterone level of your body is at its peak, check for the test result if your testosterone level is below 300ng, then you are in problem But if you are taking synthetic hormone, this morning timing is not goanna work, go to a doctor and first get the consultancy of the doctor.



The best way to boost your low testosterone level; do the heavy exercises like legs exercises – Squats, Lunges, leg press, leg extension, etc.
Do heavy exercises like high weight lifting, Dead lift, Etc.


Many people don’t take much rest, a body need to grow, you atleast need 7 to 8 hours rest (sleep). Your body only grows when you are sleeping or taking the rest because when we sleep our body starts working for body growth.


Nutrition, by this I mean by saturated fat, you know saturated fat are not good for health but we need it in less amount as it is responsible for producing the testosterone hormone of our body, it boosts the production of the testosterone hormone,  for this in your diet stack you can add

·      Cheese (2,3 day per week)
·      Whole egg (1 to 2 day per week)
·      Broccoli in salad or as you wish
·      Add almonds and nuts to your daily diet stack.
·      Whole meat weekly, as it increases the cholesterol level, so it’s safe to eat it once in a week, but I would recommend you do not eat it, if you are a cholesterol patient. You can take vitamin-D capsules or medicines available at medical store.


Foods like eggs contain a lot of vitamin-D and protein too.

Black beans black beans are high in Zinc, Vitamin-D, and fiber which increase the testosterone level of a body, you can add it in your salad after cooking it or can eat it in Indian food style, take about ½ cup of it.

Tuna fish, now this is really what everyone wants to eat; a tuna fish contains Omega-3 and Vitamin-D. You can take it weekly or 2 to 3 day a week.

And if you are vegetarian you can have spinach that’s good in magnesium and zinc, you can take mushroom, beans, walnut, almonds, etc...

Thanks for reading, do comments your queries.
